Adventures In Audio

What's the best height for studio monitors? Answer - Not too low!

If your studio monitors are too low down, then you won't get the best sound. If you don't get the best sound, then you won't make the best mix. And having your monitors too low can cause other problems too. This video explains how to get your monitor height exactly right.

Spot the difference...

Since this video was made, we spotted a photo that is oddly similar to the one in the video...

The photo from the video, without the promo overlay...

Focusrite Scarlett


Focusrite Scarlett

It's more a case of spot the similarities than spot the difference, but...

  • Same laptop
  • Same software on laptop
  • Same speakers - it seems that they have been digitally de-branded in the version of the photo used in the video. Maybe Focusrite and KRK don't get on.
  • Same keyboard on the right
  • Same headphones
  • Same microphone perhaps
  • Same operator? Hard to tell.
  • And of course, same audio interface

Reason? Who knows..?

Two more pics for your viewing pleasure...

Focusrite Scarlett

Focusrite Scarlett

The monitors are still too low.

Comments on this video

You can comment on this video at YouTube

@ac81017:  Very interesting!!! As an audiophile with my own fully treated listening room i found that placing my speakers in a equilateral triangle, and the speaker height half way from floor to ceiling gives the biggest and best stereo image and 3D that completely fill the room, here's the part where 99% get it wrong, i had to build a small podium to get my ears to the same height as my speakers! I once bought a pair of Infinty IRS Beta, a dream speaker, I went to the guys house sat down in his listening chair and there was no image, i stood up and then heard the image, the midrange and tweeter on those speakers is 1.5m up form the ground. His loss, my gain.

@AudioMasterclass replies to @ac81017: Height is important. I currently use my B&W 801s in my living room on stands to get the right height. Previously I used them in my studio where I sat on an office chair. So my B&Ws were on stands, and the stands were on stands - actually cabinets I'd made with a handy drawer unit inside. DM

@frankfarago2825:  Hey, Dude, do we really need to take and audio MASTERCLASS -- to figure out that the monitor should not be 5 meters above ear level and 2 metrers below ear level? No fricking way.

@antonanimations3164:  Will it make a big difference if my studio monitors are quite high up?

@AudioMasterclass replies to @antonanimations3164: Your monitors really should be pointing at your ears. If they point from above or below it shouldn't make much difference, but I really do prefer horizontal. DM

@Paradroidx:  yo the nice guy from gearslu.. i mean gearspace is real. Thanks Lol

@marijnmestdagh8311:  is it an issue to have the monitors placed higher (ear is on the same level as the sub) ? the issue is that the stands i have don't go lower :s

@AudioMasterclass replies to @marijnmestdagh8311: It isn't the best. If you can angle the monitors down that would be better. On the other hand, no speaker is perfect and it is always necessary to learn the characteristics of your monitors by listening carefully, for a long time, and often, to successful releases in your genre. You could consider the same about monitors that are slightly in the wrong position. DM

@correametal:  Excellent advise David! Thank you so much for all the great information you provide us with!

@AudioMasterclass replies to @correametal: You're welcome.

@G_handle:  David, first of all THANK YOU for these videos! They're all right on point.
Specifically thought, I think you are doing a great job of debunking the ocean of misinformation out there, on say YouTube.
But this time you are doing one better, and debunking the disaster that is Professional Audio company propaganda. People who should absolutely know better, and should really be leading the charge towards masses of new audio engineers that understand the fundamentals.
I would love to see you do a part two, more comprehensive version in which you show multiple advertisements committing the same audio sins.
Then explain whats wrong, and LINK to each of your videos explaining what the correct technique is in detail.
Either way though, thank you very much for what you've been doing.
Keep it up!

@rohitRraina:  Nice video by the way

@AudioMasterclass replies to @rohitRraina: Thank you. DM

@rohitRraina:  Decoupler .. to remove the surface resonance.

@AudioMasterclass replies to @rohitRraina: Yes, that would be a nice addition to the adjustable desktop stand. DM

@AudioMasterclass replies to @rohitRraina: Oh yes, and while my mind is on the topic, the decoupler will be a damped mass-spring system where the speaker is the mass and the decoupler - which could be foam rather than anything expensive - is the damped spring. I seem to remember there's a formula that connects the deformation of the spring with the resonant frequency of the mass-spring system. But I can't remember it... Anyone? DM

You can comment on this video at YouTube

Sunday August 2, 2020

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David Mellor

David Mellor

David Mellor is CEO and Course Director of Audio Masterclass. David has designed courses in audio education and training since 1986 and is the publisher and principal writer of Adventures In Audio.

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