Adventures In Audio

Faul McCartney is DEAD! - New conspiracy theory!

Why you should buy vinyl and CD - For true audiophiles

Digital audio on a vinyl record - The best of both worlds?

Vinyl vs. Digital according to the Daily Mail - What do the 'experts' think?

Only ONE brand is truly AUDIOPHILE!

Happy New Year from Debbie, Betty & Audio Phil (with a joke)

So what went wrong?

Audiophiles - Worrying about the skin effect?

Is this the best song with the worst drums?

Christmas at Audio Masterclass with Debbie, Betty, and Audio Phil

Can this old guy review a modern uptempo hardcore track?

Why your one perfect listening session should be your last

How to troll a YouTuber in their comments

Why the €300,000,000 private copying levy needs to go

Audiophiles - Don't listen to indie music!

The next (last?) Beatles release

This video is clickbait

Is 'Now And Then' the worst Beatles song ever?

The vilest comments on my YouTube videos

This audiophile can hear his interconnects. Or can he?

MANCAVE REVIEW: OpenRock Open-Ear Air Conduction Sport Earbuds

Audiophiles - What if you could have pure perfect analogue sound?

Do you suffer for your art?

The best listening room in the world - I have it, you don't

My comments on your comments - 'You too can have the best loudspeakers in the world'

Would you listen to $1000 interconnects? Will you hear any difference?

Do all amplifiers sound the same?

I tested my hearing - You can test yours

Audiophiles - You're wasting your money!

Can you hear this? I can't.

Do audiophiles listen on laptop and phone speakers?

How many mistakes does this audiophile make?

If you can't hear this then you're not an audiophile

Is your analog audio contaminated by digital processing?

The frequency response problem that affects ALL stereo recordings

Would you pay $1000 for a 1-metre cable?

Gain staging podcast in Sound On Sound magazine - David Mellor

Why do pirated movies have bad sound?

Why your audio is bad and why you can't do anything about it

Should songwriters and composers work for free?