Does my bad back like this ERGO chair? [FlexiSpot C7 Air Pro]

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@carlmichael5592: That lumber support actually looks painful...
@AudioMasterclass replies to @carlmichael5592: Nope. I could tell you all kinds about my back pain but this works well for me.
@briggsmedia: Thanks for the review. I did purchase a C7 max pro. Do you know how to raise and set the seat-back height? When I raise it, it slips right back down. Thanks!
@AudioMasterclass replies to @briggsmedia: I think that’s a different chair to the C7 Air Pro. I suggest contact FlexiSpot.
@jimcookemusic: Chucked out my creaky fancy office chair and am more than happy with a wooden Edwardian chair I got for £79!
@AudioMasterclass replies to @jimcookemusic: Result! Having said that I’m so far liking this chair. Whether I’d like a £1k+ Aeron even more, well they’d have to send me one for free.
@EricB256: Does it smell? My mother recently bought a chair from Office Discount that has got an awfully technical smell to it like they used a component in the plastic that should not be there. I hope your chair doesn't smell/stench.
@IndigoDavei: I think my GP pointed me towards 'Treat Your Own Back' about 25 years ago. They sold copies at the doctor's surgery! It has served me well and I've had only little and occasional trouble since. But I do have a nasty backache at the moment which has been indirectly caused by using OpenVINO for audio stem separation. In fairness, it's not so much OpenVINO that gave me the backache, but rather spending hours trying to do something with what it produced. Perhaps a new chair would be the answer. (I really need much cleaner stems and more of them.)
@humblestever24: Good luck with the chair designed by Audio Phil but the worst thing for a bad back is sitting. You can play keyboards standing.
It's tough but it's slowly standing and walking that are the best. And swimming but not in your climate.
Chair assembly was brilliant with no leftover parts.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @humblestever24: Thank you for your comment. If you look at the still of my setup you'll notice that the keyboard is at standing height. This is the way I like it. Also, there were some parts left over - the four spare screws FlexiSpot thoughtfully provided. [Edit: On re-reading, my comment on spare screws could seem sarcastic. It isn't - there are literally four spare screws that you don't need unless you've lost any.]
@humblestever24 replies to @humblestever24: @@AudioMasterclass That's why I'm humble.
@G8YTZ: You won’t get me out of my Aeron, there are plenty secondhand on the market at secondhand office suppliers. The older design have a better lumber support, make sure you get one with all the options on it and the right size! You can check them out at their main showroom on the Aldwych.
@EricIolo: Hi, I have noticed in your music room your have a vintage pair of B&W speakers. Do you have fromt covers for these? Or do you prefer them off? I keep mine on BTW. Scared of a grandchild poking my tweeters. I would guess most people take the covers off to show the drivers.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @EricIolo: I bought these from eBay, no covers. But sound engineers don't need them, do they?
@frogandspanner: I bought an expensive Aeron chair, thinking it would enhance lower-pelvic aeration necessiated by chemotherapy subsequencies. I leaned back; it tipped me on the floor; I dumped it.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @frogandspanner: I Googled Aeron yesterday. I was surprised at the number of secondhand items available.
@michaeldoyle5001 replies to @frogandspanner: @@AudioMasterclass They have been standard in offices for years. I bought a refurb years ago, and just ordered a 2nd. I've leaned back for years and have never been tipped. Just checked the US site and they are much less expensive than a new Aeron.
@Dave30867: Looks like a plastic chair no thanks already had one similar it broke at the backrest and was injured .
@rabit818: Aeron Chair expensive but worth every penny.
@wmrg1057: Being 6-2 with long legs myself is a pain when trying to find a good chair. Most don't lift enough, so you end up sitting with your knees pointed ou.t NOT good for the hips. Also the lack of back and neck support when sitting up straight will be a pain (pun intended). Now for napping it might be OK. Just don't try to roll over in it.
@redbarradio: Have you talked about why you use a fake background for your videos? At first I thought that was your house, but now seeing the part where you try the new chair it seems that you live in a much older, “freakier” house. I think you should use a real background!
@AudioMasterclass replies to @redbarradio: Haha, did anyone ever tell you how movies work?
@G8YTZ replies to @redbarradio: @@AudioMasterclass I think you’ve got a new Blackmagic Ultimatte box :-) I’m jealous…
@AudioMasterclass replies to @redbarradio: That would be a fabulous upgrade. As things are, it’s just FCPX and will probably remain so for the foreseeable future.
@G8YTZ replies to @redbarradio: @@AudioMasterclassI’m a fan of Davinchi Resolve, bought the Studio version when they were including the Speed Editor for free. Very pleased with it.
@rhodaborrocks1654: I too suffer from crippling lower back issues from time to time, and on one occasion my employers got one of those funny office chairs that you sort of kneel on to try out, they were all the rage at the time. I needed help to get on it but to be fair once I was on it I was quite comfortable, however, I worked late and everybody else had left the building for the day, and when it was time for me to call it a day I couldn't get off the damned chair and there was nobody around to assist me, had to call security for help. They didn't just send one security chap, everybody showed up to see what had happened and it was a source of great amusement to them. So, what do I think of your new chair?, it certainly looks like you could make yourself comfortable for long periods, but in my opinion sliding my butt right back into the corner and adjusting the chair back so I'm as upright as possible while still providing support works for me, all the other features are just nice to haves.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @rhodaborrocks1654: I don’t want to overdramatise my problems because there are plenty of people much worse off than me, and I sense you might be among them. When I’m good, I’m good, but I need to remember my physio exercises. For work, for some time now, I’ve used a chair that is comfortable enough on the seat, but uncomfortable on the back, which encourages my posture more. Whether this ergo chair will really work, I can’t possibly predict. So far though it’s good. I might post an update in a few months.
@stonefree1911: Interesting but...not really seeing an audio connection here...
@AudioMasterclass replies to @stonefree1911: Do you not like to be comfortable when you listen? As I mentioned, I have a recliner chair already, but if gamers like chairs such as the C7, why not audio enthusiasts too?
@MaterLacrymarum: So basically, a sponsor offered you a chair so you're reviewing it. Weird on a music/audio channel.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @MaterLacrymarum: Yes indeed. I was offered this chair to review under exactly the same terms as all my other reviews. I get a chair and I say what I think with no other payment or influence. If you think you can get better from other YouTube reviewers, you’re deluded. P.S. Weird I know, but it’s my channel and I can review what I like.
@hassan.chavez: Sir, making my bed is a potential danger zone ⚠️. I blame the chairs I use at work. 😩
@AudioMasterclass replies to @hassan.chavez: I blame fitted sheets that are too tight.
@ac81017: Improvement on unboxing music, not bad! Wishing you good health.
@AudioMasterclass replies to @ac81017: The whole album comes out Oct 4. Just saying.
@Voidoid77: Oooooh, Mr. Fancy Pants... but, but... Does it have I2S or at least HDMI ARC???!!! Please have a quick & as pain-free recovery as possible.
(I'Ve had several broken bones due to cycling & also when I was younger & did a lot of mountain biking up in the wilds of my home country... Bonnie Scotland) - Was the victim of a hit & run on my bicycle vs. a 1100cc Suzuki hurtling out of a side street and hitting me side-on... In my new home country of Japan (25 yrs. and counting)... Much pain - many broken bones and, emmm, f**ked left-shoulder/rotator cuff. Of course, the (keystone) cops never caught the guy).
@AudioMasterclass replies to @Voidoid77: I don’t know. I’m still trying to pair my Fosi VOL20 Bluetooth volume control.
@Voidoid77 replies to @Voidoid77: @@AudioMasterclass HaHaHa - Please take care & get well soon. Mind adding some epsom salts when you have a soak in the bath... maybe help?