Audio Masterclass /ONE

Course title: Mixing /ONE

Your journey through Audio Masterclass /ONE

WHERE YOU ARE NOW: You've watched YouTube videos on mixing. They talk about this method, that method, 'insider secrets' and 'little known' tricks. You're confused and you don't know who to believe.

AFTER THIS COURSE: You know for sure how form the basis of a solid mix using only the plug-in processes and effects that you positively need. Following that you know how to add life, interest, and sparkle to your mix by using straightforward, professional techniques that always work.

The mixing console
Microphone and line input


A microphone delivers a signal of 1 mV up to around 1 V (in extreme conditions). The microphone preamplifier is specially designed to amplify this as necessary up to around 1 V on peaks and deliver a low noise signal to the following circuitry. The amount of gain is set using the Gain control. The microphone input will supply 48 V phantom power to the microphone.

The line input accepts signals of around 100 mV to 1 V and provides amplification as necessary. On some consoles, there is no gain control on the line input.

The phase button inverts the signal.

The filter cuts low frequencies below around 100 Hz.

The pad button attenuates the signal, usually by 20 dB.

Insert point

The insert point allows access to the signal in the channel so that it can be routed through a compressor,...

End of excerpt

Auxiliary sends
Small fader
Large fader
Signal paths
Record status
Replay status
Record + mix status (overdub status)
Mix status
Center section
Additional buttons
Main outputs
Stereo bus master controls
Control room monitoring system
Cue-FX sends
Stereo echo returns
Group faders
Other features
Traditional mixing methods
From another point of view...
How to get a good mix
Stereo format
Automated mixing
Engineer's view: Paul Gomersall
Remixer's view: Marco Sabiu of the Rapino Brothers
TUTORIALS (with audio demonstrations)
Mix components
Mix example 1
Mix example 2
Mix example 3
Vocal processing techniques
Sample assessment question

End of information