Adventures In Audio

Why you should buy vinyl and CD - For true audiophiles

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@superkev:  what a brilliant video every time i watch your videos. i am always enlightened with your knowledge keep up the good work and thankyou 😁

@kendalljenkins9938:  I exclusively use a "Technics, Minifon P55 Plexi". For a true audiophile such as myself, wire recording is the only way to truly experience music in the way the artist intended.
I listen on my Vintage Grundig Raumklang Model:GD1445 Stereo Hi-Fi Floor Speakers. For the distinctive audiophile ear I have, no speaker made after 1960 and outside of Germany will suffice.

@thepostapocalyptictrio4762:  Pretty sure my vinyl copy of OAXAMAXOA won’t magically disappear due to not paying a subscription fee.

@monsieurgolem3392:  Green screen, gone, gone!

@LilyoftheValeyrising:  Listening to Dark Side of the Moon on original vinyl (second pressing) on a mostly decent record player is leaps and bounds better than Spotify. Listening to streaming services is really just a convenience. When it comes time for real pleasure, original recordings are the way to go.

@cuzzinbri:  I’m slowly downloading the flac version or my favorite albums, which provides me a hard copy and I’ve discovered many songs I’ve missed over the years. However, the downloading process isn’t 💯 yet

@EricB256:  Cool idea for an initiative. Not everyone does have the business acumen or the patience with artists in the way that it takes to start their own boutique label.
By the way, there are quite a few independent albums I love that are not available on any physical product. How to get those recordings there? Found a boutique label that puts out only physical product?
But are the guys who love to impress with their expensive cables really going to support lesser known artists in that way you suggested? It sure would be cool.

@weareonethreeeight:  In Spotify if you download a song for offline listening will that song be removed if the distributor removes the song from Spotify?

@AudioMasterclass replies to @weareonethreeeight: I suspect it would be but it's difficult to test because you'd have to know in advance which songs are going to be withdrawn.

@JorgedeLumiarFerreira:  This will get the so-called audiophiles ranting for a few weeks! :D What a joy...! Great idea. Music is the point here, so might as well invest in making it and not only listening to it. Some of my favourite music cannot be found in any streaming platform. Not that many records, really, but enough to make me thankful for getting the CD of that particular obscure indie guitar UK band from the 90's that eventually disapeared completely. The same with mixes and (re)masters. I am not an audiophile, nor would I ever buy a 1000 (anything) cable, but how cool it would be even to make a small contribution to sponsor a band that I really loved?!?

@Alo762:  I am not a true audiophile. And my name is not Phil, either.

@elmowedgewood:  There are plenty of reasons to love physical media, but I hadn't heard this argument so well made. Better still, get to know your local bands, see them live, talk to them after the show when you buy their record and t-shirt. Crowdfunding an EP release is also good.

@lukedudgeon8699:  while i use streaming for convenience, i still buy physical media for the music i really enjoy.

@williamcampbell3868:  All music lovers and hi-fi enthusiasts unite!👍👍😁

@michaelturner4457:  Never done streaming, except for podcasts. I bought mostly downloads and some CDs.

@JustLearning:  Why not just record from a streaming service. Who would know?

@richh650:  Preach it. So true!

@andygrenn680:  Have no idea what streaming is…Still buy physical CD’s since 1989. No stopping insight!

@alexrebelrebel:  Great video sir! 🎉🎉🎉

@paradiddleJazz:  Thank you for this insightful video. I learned a lot from the artists point of view.

@mypetdrgn:  Well said…the “ convenience”of streaming is a killer to the little guy… and keeps the money in the hands of a few. I say shut off your streaming devices, shut off your radio and support live music.

@ron5493:  Great as always!

@AlexandruBurda:  The conclusion is spot on! 👍
I started with this ideea from the moment I assembled my Hi-Fi system. Once it was done and liked the way it sounded, music became the mane focus of "investment" for me. 🙂

@prutser67:  It is a general problem that people do not keep their own photos, documents, music, kids' videos in a proper way. The majority does not have an optical drive. Hard discs, SSDs and USB flash drives will degrade or fail eventually. Cloud storage companies might go bankrupt, lock your account or change their policies. A couple of years ago, if some family wanted some home recordings from me, I could give them a video tape and later a DVD. (None of them ever had a BluRay player)
Now if they ask .. no idea what to give.
The same applies more or less to music.

@robjordan63:  Very well said! I have to add though: Bandcamp seems to be the best way for emerging or niche artists to release music, whether or not they have the funds to invest in a run of manufactured CDs or vinyl.

@flattardianspresident5502:  i have a 2500 vinyl collection.
and a 15000 cd collection.

while i love vinyl they are not any better then cd as i see it still in 2023 as the best format.

going beyound 44khz doesnt had anything at all to the sound quality as the human ears dont register anything over.. and those theory about harmoniv frequency etc. thisbis all bullshit.

a good cd is the best.
too bad theybare stopping making them for vinyl wich i find retarded.

to approach cd quality you need very expemsive table cartridge etc... and even there you wont get as much range.. youll get background noise.. and ultimatly eaxh time you listen to a vinyl it degrade.

@Pete731:  I have only ever bought CDs and Vinyl. Never streamed. A proportion of the music I like isn't on streaming services anyway. All of my collection is ripped so I can play it whenever and wherever I want and hopefully none of it should disappear overnight, apart from the odd CD.

@garganega:  We stream free internet radio and listen to CD's.

@RepulsiveEchoRecords:  Thats a nice approach for one of the reasons. The other is by buying physical format you help band/label have a bigger budget. Which leads to better recording, artwork, design, promotion and million other reasons like a photographer, producer who can coach the band etc etc etc. A music album is a result of 10 people behind the band that have the experience to filter and help from the sound, the image, even the order of the track listing... Thanks

@Nichtmoslem999:  i do not buy new vinyl..... but CD

@SenSimha:  In complete agreement.
Though it's an issue at home, 80% of my music collection is in physical formats, acquired legally.
We do need many many more to realise the importance.

@davetynan561:  Thank you for providing this perspective. We listeners don’t usually take the artist into consideration.

@Arfonfree:  I am a fan of CDs. I buy them when I can. My worry is the continued availability of hardware. It is now difficult to buy a computer with a built-in optical drive. I recently bought an optical drive for a new stereo system (not audiophile level) and was disappointed in the availabilty of drives, although not by the quality of the drive I got. As, proud?... owner of a Laserdisk player, I can only hope that CD drives remain available.

@AlanJEdmonds:  I often think about the availability of music on streaming services, and I hate seeing remastered versions.
Also, I put out a few of my own tracks about ten years ago using Distrokid (when it was called Fandalism). Eventually I pulled them because I didn’t want to keep paying when I was making almost nothing.

@Dave67836:  How very true and never a truer word said ,

@Masterdebator881:  Streaming is superior for the price and convenience in my world. Will never buy physical music again!

@scottlowell493:  I was attracted to vinyl because of the extreme cost and inconvenience!
I buy physical cd's and rip them to FLAC. I listen through a cd player and a DAC depending.

@CORVUSMAXYMUS:  Congratulation for your work.

@JL-wr8gh:  Great vids, thanks. How do you see Bandcamp fitting into this analysis? I download everything I purchase from them as DRM free wavs, and I think it's a great way of supporting small artists.

@Hirnlego999:  I don't buy either, if I did I would drown in them

@jimhines5145:  We all know the word "Audiophile" has different meanings. There should also be a term called "Audiophile Enthusiast", which could describe me. While I will never understand $1000 cables (not even a baby could tell the difference, if they could tell us), or $10k amps, I can get as near audiophile results from my vintage 70s receivers. But getting more to the point, I agree. The "true" audiophiles who do spend $1000+ for a cable and $20k+ on their systems should help out here. I will never be a true audiophile. It's too black tie for me. I am an enthusiast, afterall. :D

@fchampd4512:  Atmos is the shit. Vinyl is like old fat tvs. Everybody misses the grainy and poor quality fat tvs and vinyl etc have .atmos sound more like the artist intended. No more comprimises and filter as with vinyl

@dreamscuba:  Great message about investing in music.

@canonwright8397:  If the Deserters offer their music for download on a website, then the fans could copy the music to a hard drive or CD-R and then back it up to a personal server or web server and keep it forever. Yay! Now, if only someone would offer a service to store digital media... ?

@AudioMasterclass replies to @canonwright8397: Desserters.

@fei19317:  Prefer buying digital albums on Mora or Ototoy. I just buy CDs if I can't find them digital.

@basementstudiocave:  Why not get a cassette deck and make a recording of your favourite streams before they are removed?

@lights80088:  I only buy music on CD, never stream. Since the 80's, I've only had one CD that just stopped playing. It was from American Gramaphone. I called them and they replaced it for free. Thousands of discs later I'm as happy as a clam in the sand with no more failures. Chances are, I have many you can't find on streaming.

@poofygoof:  buy digital media (physical or virtual) and make lots of copies. minimize or eliminate the middleman so as much currency as possible makes it to the artist producing the works you enjoy.

analog media is a fun bonus. I still buy records but have no delusions that the sound quality is better than commonly available 16/44.1 digital, and I even buy cassettes knowing in some cases I could record over the received tapes from digital sources with higher quality.

tangible media is an option these days, not a requirement.

@theaustralianconundrum:  What you SHOULD have done is start buying CD's once streaming became a "thing" in 2006. Once we passed this year people were offloading their entire CD collections en masse for absolute peanuts as they were conned into "thinking" CD's were a thing of the past and Cloud streaming 128-256kb/sec MP3's were the future. Hahahaha!!!!

From 2006-2017 I purchased my entire CD collection for a grand total of AU$4,500.00 for all 7,000 CD's that now fill my CD racks. That's AU$1.50 per disc or US$.99cents a disc plus case. At my age I have every album from every band and artist I have ever wanted. The beautiful irony is that because of the Streaming services shafting artists, there are so many albums that are currently not available and now once again used CD prices have fallen again. It's a wonderful thing!

@markphilpot8734:  I believe in and have helped bands myself as much as my funds would allow, but those who have way more aren’t studying that. How sad when they could if they wanted to. To few much is given. To these few much is expected.

@rabit818:  Liner notes, lyrics, photos and more, that’s why. Label... is SST on Spotify?
How do classical musicians make money from streaming?

@edejong:  I only do lossless streaming, got rid of vinyl in my 20s and of CDs in my late 40s.
Especially vinyl is such a criminal waste, all that non-durable plastic, the natural resources that go into it. Need for physical transportation. The record is in a plastified inner sleeve, then a cardboard outer sleeve, then a plastic outer outer sleeve. Vinyl should be banned.

@RudeRecording:  Bigger problem is how to get heard by a wider/larger audience? In the days of regional radio, there was the chance of being heard and liked by listeners that couldn't or wouldn't go to shows. So you get posted to a digital streaming service, how do potential fans find your music? Everyone can post but who's going to hear it?

@augustfeola8347:  Bravo !
I’ve been trying to sell this idea to my children since they were children Downloading music from Napster. We vote with our dollars. What we find important and valuable we back it up with our hard earned money.
Those who choose to spend their money on high end audio file, equipment, and expensive cables are more interested in the engineering and technology behind those products. Then they are in the music and art of music itself. They become the financial supporters of engineers. Hi, on the other hand, would prefer to spend my money on physical media, a T-shirt, or merchandise at a concert. .

@DropBlairCares54:  "A true audiophile would invest in music" is the crux of this, at the end of the day our high end equipment is there to listen to the music we love. Go out, find more music you love and support your local music scene through shows and, merch and yes CD's

One of my favourite bands (Taberah) stopped paying their licences and all their music was removed I've only been able to keep listening to them because I purchased all their CD's

@simplereef4854:  Vinyl can be destroyed by the force of nature (termite, mouse, cat, tornado ....). How do I know? because my dad's collection of vinyl was destroyed by termite 10 years ago.

@moontan91:  i don't really care about music audio quality.
i was raised enjoying the 'quality' of AM radio.
anything better than that was just icing on the cake.

@1622steve:  You don't need physical media as much as you need to own the file, which you can then keep on the physical media of your choice. If you keep an archival copy as well as a working copy, the data can live forever.

@prutser67 replies to @1622steve: The archival copy is not trivial. Flash memory looses storage over time. SSDs become sometimes unusable due to firmware bugs. Conventional hard drives might fail. Organic optical discs become unreadable over time. I have 5 copies of my digital music, which are regularly rewritten.

@frankcoffey:  If you do your own restoration or remastering the first issue CD is the best one to start with, the ones before the loudness wars have all the dynamic range. If you get a newer one that has been remastered by the label the dynamics are gone and there is no way to fix that.

@seedney:  I love to buy music from stores when I can talk to the seller or other people. Maybe artists can sell their music on CD, they would burn, and don’t pay all the bullshit money to “copyright” that doesn’t even work. If I would hear great music even from pirate radio or in the store - I would chase it. If artist can sell their CDs or vinyls they would make in some “vinyl factory” (like they make books) in local shops without much “in between managers”, or can have stands in the street - I would prefer that over stands with shirts and shoes. 20 years ago we can have that in my country. Now. Where to find new music? Where they have all the stamps they’ve had when Poland pressed Marillion on LP? Even radio plays on repeat the 90’ most of the time.

@fluffycat087:  Why can't we just download the we used to?. Or still do.....

@jjcale2288:  And here the piracy comes in play and saves the "opus" of the Desserts😉

@AudioMasterclass replies to @jjcale2288: The sad thing here is that you're not wrong.

@AG-bp3ll:  While I love and approve of the message that audiophiles should invest in music, many are more in love with the gear than what it plays and would rather put that money towards "important" things like speaker cable lifters and power conditioners.

@stevengagnon4777:  When you are leaving a small club or venue and you really enjoyed the show stop at the merch table get a CD or vinyl record. The artist gets the benefit of some extra cash to keep going. You now have a signed copy and had the opportunity to thank them. It really can make thier day. So let's keep CD and vinyl going . The equipment is worthless without the music we enjoy! After all that's why we are audiophiles so we can enjoy the music . Thank you David for keeping things in perspective.

@dangerzone007:  Ok Paul

@AudioMasterclass replies to @dangerzone007:

@AG-bp3ll:  I have been specifically buying vinyl records from indie artists I like on Bandcamp to support them and at least I get the FLAC version to stream on my server if I want. Most of my CDs are 80s and early 90s and I love listening to them in their unremastered greatness.

@Error2username:  Do not buy vinyl, buy cd's

@birgerolovsson5203:  I still haven't streamed one single melody yet. I only use my CDs, SACDs and other recordings I have.

@maidsandmuses:  Besides physical media and streaming, there is a third option: DRM-free downloads. A few of my favourite bands do not have anything available on physical media, but they are on streaming services and more importantly, they provide CD-quality and HiRes downloads, all DRM-free. I buy those downloads, store them on a hard-drive and backup-hard-drive, and I store them on a DAP. Some I even burn to CD.

@SteveWille replies to @maidsandmuses: This is a sensible middle ground, avoiding potential obsolescence while fitting well with a minimalist lifestyle and large avoiding the fetishization of “stuff” that sometimes goes hand-in-hand with collecting records/CDs.

@theaustralianconundrum replies to @maidsandmuses: My CD collecting commenced in 2006 and "almost" ended in 2017 once I had reached what I believed would satisfy me however "some" older artists and bands are still active so I am still picking them up for peanuts.@@SteveWille

@nate_d376 replies to @maidsandmuses: I do the same! Since so many artists nowadays don't even release on physical anyway.

@theaustralianconundrum replies to @maidsandmuses: Happy 2024!!!!!@@nate_d376

@maidsandmuses replies to @maidsandmuses: @@SteveWille The only drawback is that physical media often offer much more information; e.g. which musicians played on which track, lyrics, other credits etc. That is mostly down to the artist simply not bothering to provide all this with the digital downloads, not really an issue with the format itself...

@ARJIT-lf3po:  are you in anyway related to Mr. Jair Bolsonaro the previous pm of brazil? 😂

@AudioMasterclass replies to @ARJIT-lf3po: No, I'm the illegitimate love-child of Paul McCartney and Eric Idle, so some have said

@earthoid:  Some of my original releases on CD and LP sound great and some are crap. Too many remasters are in the crap category but not all of course. I asked Qobuz why they delete the original mixes when remixed versions appear. They replied "Sadly we depend on the contracts and offers from the labels. The main issues for original versions being no longer available is often that the owner of the rights have changed or is no loger in business. The new owner do not always offer the old versions any more." So treasure the great sounding hard copies you have and don't rely on streamers.

@thomasalexand replies to @earthoid: I waited too long to buy David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust album on cd. I could only buy the remastered version. It's far too bright sounding.

@theaustralianconundrum replies to @earthoid: I have the original CD. I have EVERY Bowie CD album from original releases to remasters. And yes, remastering does NOT always mean good as you found out! @@thomasalexand

@paulhall9811:  I've always backedup my music purchases, vinyl to tape, CD to tape and then CD to hard drive. If an artis is only available via streaming I would investigate options for creating backups.

@stevengagnon4777 replies to @paulhall9811: Stream to tape is an option. That is if you can find the tape.

@shipsahoy1793:  I have to say that as a retired AF/RF engineer, an avid audio enthusiast, and amateur musicologist/musician, I wholeheartedly and unequivocally approve of this message, Dave!
👍 Kudos to you, fine Sir!😎

@artemario7116:  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@satnav1980:  I only use CDs. I have a surround sound system and it has a built in DVD drive. I use that to play my music. I also have a Panasonic DVD player that u sometimes hook up and use as a music player. Sometimes I use the Optical out and sometimes I use the old school left and right (red and yellow) cables to connect to my system.

@BC-qb7tx:  The Bandcamp model of purchasing digital files from smaller self-produced artist is the answer. Burn them onto M-Disc if you need them to last 1000 years.

@carlosquijano2827 replies to @BC-qb7tx: What is a M-Disc?

@grahame1981 replies to @BC-qb7tx: @@carlosquijano2827 archive quality CD (and DVD Blu-ray I believe?)

@BC-qb7tx replies to @BC-qb7tx: @@carlosquijano2827 it is a type of archival optical disc. Verbatim makes them. And you need to have a capable burner drive.

@shadowside8433:  So, the artist gets around 3.6 mili-pence per play (0.0036p)..... I'm glad to support the artist by purchasing the physical version.

@AudioMasterclass replies to @shadowside8433: It varies. I've just looked at my statements and I see a few recent payments of 460 millicents. 330 millipence after commission and conversion. Not counting the transfer fee of course.

@shadowside8433 replies to @shadowside8433: @@AudioMasterclass Between half a cent and a third - at best!

@shitmandood:  I use both. I’m pretty annoyed when I discover new artists that don’t have a physical medium though. If I turn off the stream, they’re find for good unless I record my own…but it’s difficult to find time to record albums online.

@sguttag:  I can't remember the last time I bought vinyl but my existing collection from when I would buy it regularly remains. I do buy CDs of things I like and want to listen to...then copy them over so I have them in the car or wherever.

I believe in physical media as that is the only real way to have ownership. I can listen to them whenever I want, load them onto whatever I want and no service can declare that they no longer support/license such and such and make them unavailable. The same goes for movies (or TV shows) too. Streaming is great, if they still have what you want, when you want it and you have the necessary connectivity. But, so long as another entity can deny you access in the future, you don't really own it, do you?

@albanana683:  Physical media. Always. Having been ripped off in the early days of video services, if I can't hold it in my hand, or need some online subscription to unlock it then I'm not interested. Sure vinyl needs looking after, tape transports can be problematic, and you'd be advised to back up CDs before they rot. But they won't be subject to someone autituning the vocal mix while you're out at the shops, or just the whole catalogue disappearing at random.

@YoadJSVlog:  I'm not a vinyl person but having bought a "hi-res" album that was ripped from a vinyl, and listening to it side by side with the cd i own, the vinyl was quieter.. Not a big deal, but i could always hear the stylus and it drive me crazy to the point i don't even put that hi res album in my player.

@angelfire2023:  If I like a song on a streaming service and there is no way to buy it (not even a proper download), I just hook up the old Audacity and record the input of my speakers, and save that to my comp. If for whatever reason it gets deleted from streaming, I'll just reupload it to YouTube and just point people to it.

@cuoresportivo155:  Never did the streaming thing, always looked for physical media of music I like. Still works for me

@realastrology3976:  I am obsessed with your knowledge.......❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@teashea1:  I run TES Productions. We released five albums in 2013 through CDBaby. CDBaby works very well - 150+ streaming services worldwide. Their pricing is fine and their services are very good and efficient.

@teashea1:  Streaming is great. However, turntables are a lot of fun even though the sound is not as good.

@markcarrington8565 replies to @teashea1: Buy a better turntable. Mine blows my streamer into the weeds, and that’s using Tidal.

@teashea1 replies to @teashea1: @markcarrington8565  all vinyl has rolled off frequency response and harmonic distortion, in addition to poor dynamic range and surface noise. It is physics, not the turntable, Phil. I have 8 high end turntables and 28 cartridges.

@theaustralianconundrum replies to @teashea1: 100% agreed. Vinyl is what it is........ dragging a very sharp needle across some grooved plastic and it sounds exactly like that on a $50,000 turntable with another $30 grand of tonearm and cartridges. ANY brand name of CD player as of 2023 costing US$300 will be all you ever need to dispel the vinyl wankers.@@teashea1

@ac81017:  I'm an Audiophile and i have exspencive cables. What i spend my hard earned cash on is nobody's business.

@poofygoof replies to @ac81017: sucker

@mondoenterprises6710:  I have been shocked by how people have disposed of hi fi equipment and stopped buying physical media. I have also profited by it. It is the only way to audiophile sound quality, great pressings enjoyed thru great components and speakers. I have approx. 15 cd dvd uni players, 8 receivers, 8 sets of speakers, 5 turntables. The fun is to mix and match and try different set ups. The whole new and used shebang probably cost me around $5000 US.

@ThePwig:  you mean, like a Patron?

@test40323:  Interesting perspective. Not sure about true audiophiles' goals...most seems to be more into sound than music. There is one issue with streaming recommendations I noticed - it has to do with the musical journey the artists intended. Following the sequence of tracks to illicit a range of emotional a great novel vs a selected quotation from one. Good talk.

@IncognitoChild:  I would suggest the only way that you can stop CD rot is to wear gloves when handling the disc.😳😫
While the lacquer/sealant may be the culprit for faulty disc manufacture, the biggest culprit is more likely to be the sweat and acidity of your hands handling the disc.
Unfortunately , CD's I have played to death over the last 30 years have definitely suffered from tarnishing and failure of the disc reflective surface.

A famous artist once told me that the best way to support any artist is to see them live. I guess more money goes to the artist that way.

@radman8321 replies to @IncognitoChild: CD rot only affects incorrectly manufactured discs, primarily those manufactured by PDO in Blackburn. I have been collecting CDs since the mid 80s and apart from the PDO discs have never had any that have rotted.

@IncognitoChild replies to @IncognitoChild: @@radman8321 CD rot is oxidization of the reflective layer caused by failure of the protective coating.(first seen on LaserDiscs)
I guess you've never seen the orange tarnishing that you get on CDs on the inner and outer edges?(strangley enough where they're handled) if it was simply a manufacturing fault then those discs would have been faulty 30 years ago rather than now.

@radman8321 replies to @IncognitoChild: @@IncognitoChild Only on PDO discs. They are degrading at different rates. I have some that are unplayable and completely bronze in colour and I have others that still play mostly OK, and still rip (eventually), but they are getting worse year by year. The different rates of rot are dependent on the chemicals used in the manufacture/printing of the paper booklets. Those CDs that came in cardboard sleeves have long since turned completely bronze.

Handling the discs has no effect whatsoever.

@IncognitoChild replies to @IncognitoChild: @@radman8321 that's interesting. The discs I still have are PDO discs but the problem (1987-93) is not described by the PDO issue - a bronzing across the whole disc, which is not what I'm seeing. Manufacturing dates are 95 onwards. The discs I have just looked at, the reflective surface is actually starting to lift away 😭

@stevengagnon4777 replies to @IncognitoChild: The go and see them live great for famous artists. Not so good for the garage band mentioned here. If they do have CDs or vinyl available at the show buy it there at least they will have some extra money to make it to the next gig. That's why they have all that stuff there at the end of the be come one of their patrons. So that last drink that you probably didn't need or possibly should not had. Could easily have gone to some merch . And they are always willing to sign whatever you bought...

@RUfromthe40s:  true ,but what are audiophiles. Streaming service is for those who don´t like to hear music ,it´s like radio you hear it and than never again

@gilberth_:  Glad to have figured that out by myself. No spotify or deezer or else from the beginning. My CD-library is growing up (and everyone has been ripped), my LP-library has stopped growing 20 years or so. More expensive than 4 subscription over the last 30 years of purchasing. But worth every penny/[euro/US]cent
[edited for two typos]

@DPSingh-px4xu:  Your campaign is honorable.....I have been associated with the "music industry" for over 50 a society based on an economy instead of love, these conversations become the dark side of music as a product to be consumed like a hamburger with cheese....

@jegermajster:  I have re-united myself with my CD player and cassette player (deck) shortly before Christmas and it has been great time these last few weeks!

@errolallen5007:  Vinyl and CD, SACD only no streaming only in the car😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@remcogreve7982 replies to @errolallen5007: You can make mixtapes for in the car.

@errolallen5007 replies to @errolallen5007: @@remcogreve7982
My cassette deck is on me vintage system.
No cassette in the car only Cd and Spotify

@glennk1931:  I will by either or. It is based mainly on economics. Yes a new turntable can cost hundreds, or thousands of dollars. Then you need a good cartridge. A new cd player can cost anywhere from a $100, to over a $1000 or more. Some vinyl pressings are way too expensive, especially original pressings. Have opted CD’s because of that reason. As far as sound quality, yes there are CD’s in my collection that sound flat. These are my earlier discs that I purchased in the early mid 80’s.

@RUfromthe40s replies to @glennk1931: the before the 2000´s rock albuns don´t sound not even 50% of the studio recording, is like hearing the Beatles on cd ,they never sounded like that unless you have a professional equalizer and some huge studio monitors from JBL or yamaha

@johnwatrous3058 replies to @glennk1931: The CD was invented in 1979.
On the 25th anniversary of its first public release in 1982,
My 1st CD was Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", bought in 1985.
It was awful, very much too sterile, I could not get through the whole album in one sitting.
The publisher fixed whatever was wrong, and it is better now.

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Tuesday January 16, 2024

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David Mellor

David Mellor

David Mellor is CEO and Course Director of Audio Masterclass. David has designed courses in audio education and training since 1986 and is the publisher and principal writer of Adventures In Audio.

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