Adding tubes to a rock master with Freqport Freqtube

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@tonydean7543: Is it just me that thinks that the valves that are shown lit should be ECC83 and not E83CC? The ECC83 was (is) a double triode with 6.3V heater which was often used in preamplifier applications.
@adam872: I've watched a few demos of the Freqtube now and I've got to say that other than a (very) small amount of effect I find it to be a bit unpleasant to listen to. It doesn't take much for it to have the output to be too crispy.
@MarcelNL: This video was for me much easier to watch from the beginning till the end; much more pleasant sound to listen to and it also is more what I would want it for.
@CaptainZuurpruim: I am convinced I don't need this plugin. Like 99% of all plugins, mind you. Nice demonstration of what it can do, but seriously, I have plugins that are over 15 years old that do the exact same thing.
@MarcelNL replies to @CaptainZuurpruim: I tried some free plugins but they caused problems with 64 bit Windows or didn't work on it at all.
@MarcelNL replies to @CaptainZuurpruim: Johnny, for some reason your reply got deleted.
Yeah it is a plugin that works together with the hardware.
For me personally it's just too many settings that you can change in too many ways. I prefer to keep things simple, but there are a few presets in this software and maybe those are to my taste.
With my Decware Taboo MK III I also got a bunch of different tubes. I tried a few out myself and then used the ones that the seller recommended and that was by far the best combination! I absolutely fell in love with that sound!
Sometimes letting others figure out the difficult stuff is much better, unless it's your hobby to constantly try things out, or indeed if you need a very precise sound for your project and perhaps need to change certain effects on certain points in the project.